Commonwealth Trust Company Sponsors 43rd Annual Midwest-Midsouth Estate Planning Institute
Commonwealth Trust Company is a proud sponsor of the 43rd Annual Midwest-Midsouth Estate Planning Institute on July 28 & 29, 2016 at The Mariott Griffin Gate Resort in Lexington, Kentucky. Our National Account Manager, Matt Wright, will be attending the conference. If you are attending the conference, please stop by our exhibit space and introduce yourself to Matt. If you are unable to attend the conference and would like more information about Commonwealth Trust Company, please contact us via email at or phone 302.658.7214.
Commonwealth Trust Company is pleased to provide this article as a guide. Commonwealth Trust Company is not engaged in the practice of law and is not providing legal advice by the provision of these materials. Commonwealth Trust Company recommends that clients seek the opinion of their attorney regarding the specific legal and tax issues addressed in this article.